Sabtu, Mac 28, 2009


Hy gurlz..bored ku jln2 bt 'heavyly covered with snow' lots of works have to be done.. ya, it is a little too late 4 me to finish all this stuff. beside its my nature love to delay hw until i tkapar2 mbwt kaja last minute.ahahah.jn ktwakn englishku k.huhu.btw bnr2 td kn juin kmu e karoke lg tu.rugi hw lg pnting.ia tntukn futureku bh.huhu.bh2 mls kn potpet lg.hw blum siap.enjoy gurlz pat umh kafyd keh..c ya bka skulh

Jumaat, Mac 27, 2009

Permintaan khas mahadewi&Ratu2 yg berstatus "kaka"



Kepada semua ratu2 Lo0va.

Kerajaan tani telah digemparkan dgn berita yg salah se0rg daripada kitani di PINANG oleh ntah sapa ntah yg berani mengusik keSOLOan warga kitani. Oleh itu,terlebih dahulu tahniahlah.Ahaha. Sama ada diterima atau REJECT its up to 01. Dan~khusus buat Lo0va yg brstatus kaka,gtau tah apa yg kamu minta tuk langkah dulang..

Permintaan 07,

1. Cincin emas putih permata hitam.
2. Kereta bettle sebuah warna hitam.
3. Senaskah al-Quran belapis hitam.

Sekian.Harap Maklum.

Titah perkenan mahadewi 07.

Rabu, Mac 25, 2009

Ya rabbi..panas eh! hri yg pling memalukan bg ku ada urg dtg ke rumah kn jmpa babah.Ahah.yg calinya satu keluarga dtg ani wah ke rumah ah.Urg atu kwn babah plg..Ahahah.mati mbri malu eh.Anaknya 3urg laki smua gudluking n 1 bini umurnya dlm 15 taun catu.Yg pling tua umurnya 22.Encem plg..ahahah.Boh.Aft bbrapa minit mama dtg.Pdhal mama kaja td ah.Siap balikn kueh n minuman lg tu mcm tau ada urg kn dtg ah.Aku d luar msatu mliat tv tym urg dtg ah.Siksi x ah makai suar pindik.Ancur eh.ahah.X ku kdapur ngam mama dtg.Aku baru jua tuangkn minuman.X mama ani nyruh aku ke atas pat bilik.Sruhnya tukar bju kurung.Siap btudung..Aneh eh durg mama ah.Mlr lg ku btnya tu knapa.Nada jua kna klinga.X mama sruh turun bwh pat bilik tamu..Ahah.malu ku eh.Rupanya durg dtg atu kn..meminang.Huhu.Mati ya rabbi malu ku x ah.Anaknya ani lg malar liat2 n snyum2.Ahah.kabak2 x ah.palui.Mcm kn pingsan ada jua rasanya.ahah.X ku mnta izin pat mama ke bilik..N then mama naik katas tnya aku if aku stuju.huhu.mbri malu eh mama ah.baru2an bh ia tnya ah.kalinya nnti g ku smbung..ahah

Gelaran bebs


brapa lama dah c 07 nda bceta? Maklum. Ke tandusan bahan. Anyway guys, aku dpt gelaran wei. Leh bf c 02. Jennifer b0nd 07. Sapa na bangga? Ahaha.

By si cantik 07

Selasa, Mac 24, 2009



This lingering doubt in my mind: aku just mikir that iv i ever trlalu milih kwn x slma ne....Misalnya slalu aku ceta sumanya with my 2 bestfren je...Den nda brapa enj0y da m0rning without seeing/txting with them/hearing their voice,?? hemm..Ö mybe,definite myb aku tlmpau mikir x but td jd mikir g tym 06 ckp "serious jwa.." tym awal2 xtra a den bru trasa ada j0y after 03 smpy...Nth ey~

(",)Okey, wat3va da result of my thought ne which is my usual m00d, luv u ol~

N0te:.'lingering'- means lasting a long time (cmbridge dict,pg383)....
Hey2, iv slh btau&ples c0rrect kn ...Ahax

Btw, mana kmu?? It's n0t lyk aku ja yg p0st x...Aha, rindu ku kmu nda dgr any news fr0m youall a...Ur ceta2...Ö new ideas..I n0e that our exam is really uptight dh a,but i lyk to noe wat loova hv to say jwa ..Well, n0t only me x..

Lastly, just wanna say s0ry sl ada aku myakiti ati kmu x g den sory the way i am act to ur rerp0nse ka apa..:)


Not enjoyment and nöt sorr0w is our destined end or way; but to act that each tomörr0w find us further than t0day..

Better u think that
"Not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to D0 what lies clearLÝ at hand."

Isnin, Mac 23, 2009

Life isn't always easy

Life can be unfair at times when you must maintain faith and NEVER let go.

It is especially during the difficult times that you must LIVE your life to its fullest potential.Those are the times to triumph over circumstances with hope and courage.

Life isn't always easy, but if you keep göing&persevere to the very best of your ability, you will gain strength to manage the new challenges ahead.

Each goal that you reach is an0ther important STEP FORWARD.

BELIEVE that there are bright and wonderful days ahead for you and you WILL find them...
-Mary A.Rothman

Sabtu, Mac 21, 2009



HAFIZ CUTE bravis tym ea singing a tonyt!....Wuuh,,he's so CUTE!!! Go Go Go Hafiz~ mbari grigitan ey since lyt ea msuk AF a......Ahahax xp

He's I.D.: Mohd Hafiz Bin Mohd Suip, 19 years old..(ok le 2~) fr0m Sarawak...Owh...Bener2 cinta ini membunuhku!

Ehe (",) iv mwu knal ea g, pegi tgok astroRIA..P jgn lama2, nanti tak kusyuk ngapal..Ehe
hey2,ni tak bmksud kite buleh LaLAi...pndy2 lh bgi masa~ mhwuahz

Btw..Jgn juge tak prsn ku p0st 3x ri ne..Haha..Tlebih pulak x)

No No gönna change me xp

I am a romantic at heart, just one ordinary girl, a failure as far as my track record shows. But probably that's where my mistake lies. Maybe it's time I change my style.

It seems to me that people are attracted to popular guys indeed. It seems to me that sincere, kind and römantic girl like me don't interest them much. But upön serious reflectiön, I think I'll just STICK to being the pers0n I am. And if any0ne fail to detect the diam0nd as distinct fröm the plain glasses, then it would be their loss!

Haha X)

U noe wat 2 think (",)

Things are usually n0t as bad as it seems and in whatever situatiöns,
it helps to realise that
one does nöt stand alone and that
one should NEVER lose hope.

Jumaat, Mac 20, 2009

kenapa ku hari ani~ siuk tp kurang serlahan atu..

Helo kmu~dyan ne.ahah.siuk hri ani bkaroke pat c zai ah.ngurat boyz ku kn bduet dgn abg adi wh.nyanyi lgu 'takku duga' frm misha&saiful.un4tunately cd atu ilang.nda jua jd.n btw kmu twu apanya bng adi?krg mun bduet nya ijapku cair kn ea.oh plz!Tak mudah k..aha.nt 4get to mention dgnku bjaur ani:cpdah,yana n adiknya.yana yg driving plg tu.rugged x a kritanya.hehe.hwever,even siuk bt atu cuma d mulut k.htiku bteriak ksakitan kerna terluka..aku syg cR n alum sdia khilangn ia.hri ani,kmarin n kmrin2nya ia nda msj o even miss call yg katanya nda trlalu pyh n only takes nt more thn 5sec n nilai yg cuma 0.00c,bwt ku slalu ttunggu2 if ia bnr peduli or fkirkn aku.i tot he wud do that tp sngkaanku mleset.jatuh jua airmata bila ingt ia.klu bnr2 tunjukkn th yg rudy tu bnr2..brp bnyk ati yg trluka d luar sana sal ksetiaan ku pat c rudy?tp aku ikhlas.i hope ia sadar akn khadiran post luahan hti sseorang yg ia bnr2 syg ani.(mayb)..k tq 4 viewing~

Cool down evry1!

Hey2, ne sja nambah our p0st..Uhh~

Ne bru start holidy p Ahmarians09 ,cm nada g cuti. We hav xtra klas ba.Maths. Naleh mikir stiap subjek ada omok n hfln a~Ada g kn dpkirkn AS level is c0ming.!

Iv d tolak jumat ahad cuti, udh tinggal 20dys to AS a..Iv m0ck stpub, less than 60dys to go...Wahh~ btapa ku mkin strez!

To my loova&abydhianz ples bnyk2 th bd0a &revisi0n...Okeh? (",)

Khamis, Mac 19, 2009

Hey wat was going on? kurik kmu krg e..

Astaghfirullah..wat was happened? Kmu berentem ya?! Udah udah..kmu msti tawu that we are loving each other k.nada klaie2 k.misundrstanding bulih tp jn slalu.. ;p stris ja exam(S) lg ada prbalahan k.awas mun ku dgr lg,ku kuik punggung kmu ah.btw kai cngkul plg tu..snggp?nah..aku twu nada urg snggp tu..aku bh ni pnguik now we shud keep in mind that, we shud succeed~k.basically dont waste time on foolish things like this k.owez luv my beybeh~loova-ians.aku pn stres x ne ah mikirkn rudy ah.sbr ja~

Jumaat, Mac 13, 2009

Knp our 'teko' ne?

08..knp ne lai?sapa g buli ko ne?ehe.adui..08 nada uat slh x aa.gpn umr mu mkin mningkat udh,yth dphmi antena mu luan limpar msa ne.ehe.jgn strez2 lai..02 n yg len sygkn ko x..syg sgt2.jnta ko,03 tu pn jua.usul sj 02 n 04cri psal pat kmu 2,p kmi syg kmu x b0th of u,our bangau n kirdun x a..haha.nada wa..kmi syg kmu lai!4 sure..n0 d0ubt toh.ehe..n 4 03,c0e na btny ko lu b0ut nik tlintas 03 yg uat nik 2 p bgui nik tu.i lyk t0h.ehe..n 4 other lo0va,02 syg kmu aa.jgn bsing2,n h0p tni lpan2 ne success aa.stat ta bljar kmu..n jn tlalai g aa.ehe..

Nobody's perfect


Aku minta maaf&sorry bravis bout my last post..Well, it was just a misunderstanding, ok?

To 03, soree Jgn th g mrajuk a~ kang pa nya 02, ilang tya KIUT bngau ksygn loova =)

&&to all jwa sorry..Nth mngapakh ku tlabih a2..Ok~

Khamis, Mac 12, 2009


Hey~it was n0t funny, ok?

Who ever did 4 any reas0n aku naleh kn memastikan udh ne...Apa sja yg tjdi tonyt really mhancurkn my hepy day, &4 sure im n0t dis fragile kn ingau kn suma ani...

Nwy, im vry s0ry iv ada yg ku slh ckp mnyakiti kmu suma...Myb nda lyk x kn hepy, bgi kmu lh..So much 4 the drama x aku a..Okeh, aku minta maaf sl aku x yg slh&pa sja yg ku misunderst0od bout da situati0n.

" I've learned...That it's those small daily happenings that make life sö spectacular.. " But it's alsö make u fall..

Rabu, Mac 11, 2009


My morning was a definite dull at first acc0mpanied with harsh tones towards my fëllöw friends.Sorry~
You have n0 ideas how hard i was, trying to hide my gröwling sound of my stomach. It made my m0öd integrate, worsing my speech(ada 2 ey pndy penyumphn dh aku a) as we came out of the canteen with empty hands, not to menti0n my null stomach!

Luckily, our bloved 'Mr Mari0' came to join us during our break. All of us miss him A LOT. =p He really gave us the joy in our school's days. What is m0re, he wanted to treat us something..Hehe thanx 2 05's good c0mmunication skill (pndy mujuk urg a esemen) But you know what he insisted to have "Lunch AYAMKU" OMG!! Yeah~

1st, we thought he would just take away our lunch for us but WHAT?? He wanted us to go there! OMG!! .=p
& n0t only that he expected us to WALK there! OMG!! =p
What da heck! Naleh jwa toh! ((This can n0t be true,,our own discipline tcer was tring to traffic us into escaping?!!)) No way~

But nö long after dat, he had changed his mind &thank God, he picked us up fr0m school to Soon Lee...Two of us sat on the passenger's seat n other 4 girls sat behind. I cudn't believe my eyes as we sat at that empty seats of Ayamku restaurant~
&& Hey, why did it seem all the people were staring at us?
Never seen CUTE teens like us elsewhere wearing 'jilbab planet' much?!! Huh, JeALOUS! :p

While that, the 3 guys made their way after 10 minits interval. Haha

Today, lunch was great &delicious!! I pinned myself and ate my lunch quietly. SEDAP~ After filling, we met Fifoh while buying sumting för my beloved Fidi's sisters.. (07, wat debt? I do not understand td a??)

Then, he dropped us near the hostel at 1.15pm. That was LaTe you know~ We felt very energetic after dat lunch but lost s0me of it as we run fr0m coming across that unexpected löng-tailled,bf tö 02 (if u ever remember tr0ops of m0nkeys mngurat 02&04 last years a) haha HE's back oryt..Hahahay

Anyway, our day was never been this happier eventhough lies beneath it that dirty secret. Well, it would b m0st mem0rable iv ol 8 of us join the parade.... Tricky en0ugh, the class ptg was in pain(ahaha few of us ngantuk bna e That include me =p) ahaha

Isnin, Mac 09, 2009

Khas buat KANTOT boyz..huhu~

Spisil utk md. nubli hj md. tejuddin :p ahaha.. Jz kn btau bfday kmi mula dri no.1=11january, no.2=17december, no.3=13june, no.4=05august, no.5=13oktober, no.6=09november, no.7=14july, no.8=08march, what special bout us is our zodiac smua lain2 k. As well as personality.. Bh,apal tia nub! Greet kmi sorang2 tym bfday..mun nada, awas! Ahaha.. :p

Ahad, Mac 08, 2009

Too much sweets~


Ne b'day gurl pnya ceta neyh..Msti ceta neh,,

Da nyt b4 tghmlm my b'dy d8, me&03 slep0ver kat umh 04..Spnjg mlm c8ing~plan kan smbut my b'dy a x, e, 03&04 tdoy! ',' apa ne? X ku ttdo jwanya menyasak..

X prsn dlm mimpi, dtg ada kek blilin dpn mata?? Eh?? Astaga 03&04 a~x blagu&mkn kek th kmi midnyt a!! Aduy, x pyh ku tdo ne jdnya lps mkn eskrim a. Eh, c 03n04 tdo g twus towh.

M0rning a pat c02, dpt gula2n eskrim g..A2 jwa g ku nda bselera. Ngalhkn knk2 bh aku a.
XD dat was n0t all. Ada g sgala kuih2 yg manis a...Ya ampun pnuh e xp pastu mlm mkn g kek dri abg syz..Nyaman~

ane g my last cake ku save a..Kn mkn th ku ne b4 mdnyt strusnya.Ahaha =)

ok lh. Too much sweet. Ngalhkn mkn nasi wh** aha ey, bek brus g lu ne b4 tdo. Ok!

Hepy bufday 2 tqah..our 'teko' hahaha

Uitz..brapa umur mu ne tqah?mkin tua o mkin muda t0h?btw,rh umh ka 04 clbr8 bday mu?alala..hyper td?cm kirdun sl tghri byk mkn pisang kn n 03 jd bangau th?ehe.wish u succss owez siz.jn ta kn pnymal2 n puah2 aing mta snang 04 buli bh..ehe.we love u,04..

Khamis, Mac 05, 2009


Loova.dbe.. 'da best ever'.. aha.kmbang ku ih~tq guyz xp xp xp. ahaha..loova x haa. hm..ingau ku kn rudy eh.. miss him brabis ey. yes! aku angau.. rudy y u do this to me..huhu. bnr2 bh ia ikat aku atu...i love him love him love him.. 3x ertinya sure th tu.. btw thanx 08 ui. nnti bincng ah. luv u.. sma2 th tni 8 bjaya k.. luv u all~


Haha...Its me 08..Mwu ceta2 g neh..P nda bnyk dis tym.

Pg td sama lg ada test maths ngajut gto lhö..Ada dat tym,01&03 kna panggil mudirah..Ooo~

Den pas rehat kmi escape!! Haha nda jwalh,nulung2 ustzh kaja d bilik sumber. Wooh, siuk ey dtg tulung2 a..Smpat bgembira..:)
Ada jwa pt brg2 antik, da guys amai~abiz nama urg drng taip kai typewriter yg lama0a...Haha ksiukan bna jwa udh drng 2..Smpy2 geng tne pun ada =p ehe
cS ada mubham about tnya2 pa meaning "dbe"..Ehe pa nh ea pkir,'da best ever'..Eseh, makna nya bagus lh 2..BANGGA~

Tym ptg, me sakit tgn a sl bhentam ma 04..Huh, kabal amat kaka a2..Hisy..Ok lh 2 ja..

Rabu, Mac 04, 2009


1stly, aku minta ampun beribu billi0n maaf kpd suma.Halalkn sgala prbuatan ku. Andang MESTI ada ku bwt slh..Yth aku minta maaf bnr2 ='(

It was just dat td kita msing2 bz wen i saw s0mething pinched my heart.
Nwy, 01 just tell us as u wish...Im okay wit ol ur whims&fancies towh!
To 04 dont be mad wit me...I just donn0e how 2 hv fun n0w in dis streszy tym ...Ahaha
To 02,03,05,06n07,,sory iv my tones cm maksa2 o tksr o aku buat hal apakh, teampas ka o tprasn yg amat mnyakitkn. K?

Huh, td i got dis weird kabaq2....Hemm,, x nya c03 len jwa ur thinking ane postive amat!!Haha i told her dat myb the topic yg kmi bru bljr 2 yg myb kuar 4 stpub tne..Odd~ but dats the way i felt..:)
Hey, wat worries me m0re n0w is fifoh...I hvnt msg her yet..Tody suppose 2 b her operati0n a..Nth pa kbr nya a..Positively shell b okay & would come out wit suara yg m0re mngancm..Haha just imagining it!! xp

Well, actualy just kn tmbh2. Den ani th ceta ku plng. But really i meant it ol ..(",)

Hari sebelum tiba penyesalan~ renung jauh teman sekalian

Hey girlz..ow nt 4gt to mention guyz n girlz out ther yg view blog ane..tq n hpe yall enjoy dgn apa yg kmi paparkn yey! Ok, to my girlz loova yg biru2 matanya atu..bca ni beybeh..haa. As u knw, nda g bth tni kn exam ne.. Mock stpub nda g bth k.dlm bbrapa minggu less than 10 ja lg.. So i hereby ad'uukunna to revise k esp subjct2 hafalan. Dalam pada itu..eiseh.mati bnr eh.. Ok,dlm pd itu d hrp kmu tulung th uktun kmu yg surang ani ku smngt n klu prlu denda..baru th kn jara tu. 2 sisterzku in sains klaz, tunjuk ajar sifu ku minta. Ne udh th mock stpub, mock a'level g..n then real stpub bln 8 n then ofcoz th real a'level nymbung.. Woh.stris! Mun d balah dua palaku ani nmpk x kmu urat utak nda tantu lilit2.. Woh! Exam! Exam! Exam! Prsediaan wa girlz. hope tani dpt bincang2 bwt schedule utk sma2 tasmik hafalan ah n jua those a'subjctz. To sisterz usuluddin dua urg atu.. Sma2 tni bwt plan utk mumtaz ah. Sma2 lh tni ngurik usul utk tukar cara study.. Twu ku plg nda lg bnyk masa bt ani utk kmaslahatan brlapan k

Selasa, Mac 03, 2009

My day 4 u..


Just wanna share my day today..

Hemm,,well it started smoothly tym bngun pg a.Huh ssmpy nya kat skulh, ish dis 2 guys udh ada. Haha pkan ku a cm blumba ganya ngn drng..Mestika?? =p Well den ada a lot of kaja yg ku alum siap but i indulged myself rehat2 g..Ehe. But den cudnt help my self,,our class was very messy yg teramat!! Apa g ambik dat penyapu menyapu klas a smpy abis abuk ,mnyampati g me-m0p lantai a smpy 04 nyampuk nda dlyn ane bh(btw, siuk n0vel a?)=) waah jgn jwa, LeGA ati ku mlyt ea bersih a~

Pgi2 a2:
1- gp tym 4 correction&new debate topic*
2- blgh new topic
3- rehat..Uh,,,ilang sjuk bdn mkn soto a.. :)
4- OMG!! Test mengajut maths a! ='( i dunn0 iv i could pass dat test.. Sngup ku plng iv prsntati0n 2 ey, atleast ku dh ready..Too much torturing ey p ok lh 2 ~
5-Lunch..Sadap mknnnya, ayam msk nth..Haha. P nyman bnr..Plus g aku&03 dpuji neh leh ka07..Ehe tq2 ahaha cian 04 :p
6- sesi ptg..Physics. Test! P much better, i dunn0 i felt gud dat ptg a..Ehe..Mlimpah2 ideas..Im n0t angkut bakul a.Cm bnr ku a xp
7- blik kul 4 xtra~

den dlm keta, kjp2 trhantuk. Haha ku naleh bh, ttdo2 lh 2.. Pastu smpy dis tym lh lyt tv..Wah tym ne ceta trailer "Street Fighter"..Lwa ey bju nya a-modern,sophisticated,girly- a2 g my fav her0in a yg blak0n a..

Okeh, smpy ne je..Apalh ku a alum g mandy tym bwt ane a! Okeyo~ xp mhwuahyz.

Isnin, Mac 02, 2009

do you?

Have you ever missed someone and felt terrible because you think that he/she doesn't miss you?

Missing someone is a terrible but at the same time, sweet feeling.

You will be sitting around, wondering if you meant anything to him/her.
thinking if he/she ever cares about you.
rushing to the phone once it rings hoping that it's him/her.
looking out of the window hoping that he/she will surprise you by appearing downstairs.
sitting infront of the television but thinking of him/her, missing the final episode of your favourite show.
laying on your bed thinking of the last time you were out together
thinking of how nice it will be to sit under the stars again,
talking about everything-your dream,plans,future.
logging on to the internet hoping to see him/her online..
when you realise that he/she is not online and did not return your page, you will start worrying if she/he is okay..

missing someone is a way of growing up I guess.
it exposes you to loneliness
it teaches you how to cope with being lonely and let you know there is actually a feeling known as emptiness..

sometimes it feels good to miss someone
you know that you really care and indulge in the feeling of loving and caring for him/her
but missing someone and not knowing if he/she is feeling the same is terrible
you feel as if you are left alone...



today,someone is turning 19 lah~~
one of Abyadhians.

Hepy 19th bday pep~semoga sukses selalu..Berjaya duniawi wa ukhrawi=)

lovee yaa always